Be Supported

RISE Support Centre is here to help you make informed decisions that take into consideration all aspects of your holistic wellness.
We respect your beliefs, values, and goals.
We inform you of your options without bias.
We support your decision-making process.
We empower your self-determination.
**We are not a medical clinic and do not perform, provide or refer for any medical procedure or medication, this includes abortion and medical testing for pregnancy care.
** We are not an adoption agency but can provide some recommendations for a licensed agency.
How would you like to be supported?
All on-going support services and programs are free, confidential, and provided without judgement.
Available support services and programs include:
Pregnancy Support

Pregnancy Tests
Free, high quality, self administered urine test.
A Client Advocate will explain the test, support you in interpreting your results, and talk to you about your pregnancy rights, options, and next steps.
Test results should be confirmed medically to confirm pregnancy location, fetal heart tones and gestational age.

Pregnancy Options and Decision-Making Support
If an unexpected pregnancy or difficult circumstances during your pregnancy is causing you to question if you should continue your pregnancy or not, you may find it helpful to work with one of our Client Advocates on an individualized care plan to support your decision-making and help you carefully look at all options- abortion, adoption, parenting- for your unique situation.
Pregnancy decision-making support provides timely care, medically accurate information, resources, and support so you can make an informed decision about your pregnancy.

Growing Together: Prenatal Education
Our prenatal course will help you prepare for childbirth and your postpartum experience. You will also learn how to prepare for and transition to parenthood.
Pregnancy Loss Support

Perinatal Loss Support
Support is available if you self-identify as grieving a perinatal loss from adoption, miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. Program content, tailored to your type of loss, empowers you to understand and identify the different stages of grief and loss in a supportive environment.

Post Abortion Support
Support is available if you self-identify as grieving a loss from abortion recently or in the past. Program content, tailored to your needs, empowers you to understand and identify the different stages of grief and loss in a supportive environment.
Parenting Support

Moms & Tots
Join us weekly to enjoy a time of talking with other moms and learning through play with your little one. This program is free and perfect for little ones aged 0-4 years.

Flourishing Family:
Parenting Education & Support
Be supported as you learn and grow as a parent so your whole family flourishes! Topics covered include infant care, infant milestones, toddler care, toddler milestones, health, and safety, and more! This free program is for expectant parents and parents of little ones aged 0-4 years.

Growing & Thriving:
Life Skills Education & Support
Be supported as you learn and improve essential life skills. Workshops are delivered by a trained staff member or by community leaders. Topics include hygiene, finance, nutrition, relationships, and more.
Mental Wellness Support

RISE Together
Support is available if you are experiencing anxiety during or after pregnancy. This program offers parenting mentors, and other mental health supports, including a 12-week Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) with a licensed psychotherapist, to help you manage your anxiety and increase positive parenting outcomes.
Material Support

Practical Support Program
Support is available if you are experiencing a financial hardship which is impacting your ability to afford essential maternal and baby items. This program exists to ease the additional expenses of pregnancy and parenting children aged 0-3 years. You will need to be approved to participate in this program.

Growing Goodness: Nutrition Support
The Growing Goodness program provides education and resources to help you to provide nutritious food for yourself and your family. You will need to apply for the Practical Support Program to receive food items in your care package. Education is available in person or online.

Community Connections
There is a lot of support available in our community. A Client Advocate will help you connect with the right social support agencies for your situation.
Mentoring Support

NEST Mentoring
(Nurture, Empower, Support, Transform)
This program is perfect for you if you would benefit from mentoring in parenting or life skills. You will work with a mentor to set goals and write action plans that take into consideration all aspects of your holistic wellness to empower you to move your family from surviving to self-sustaining.

Spiritual Support & Mentoring
Learn, grow, and thrive in your faith. This client-led mentoring program provides spiritual education, resources, and support in the Christian faith. This is perfect for you if you would like one-on-one spiritual support. Mentors provide guidance, help with setting and reaching spiritual goals, resources, and referrals.
Seasonal Programs

This summer moms and tots program combines fitness, friends, and fresh air to boost social connection and mental health so you can feel empowered to tackle your day! Join us for stroller fit, nature walks, special guests and more!

Take Root
This group meets monthly at Reesor Farm to explore the farm and learn about healthy nutrition! Clients must register for this group each month and while attending the group is free, there is a small fee to purchase fresh produce and products from the farm.
**Just a reminder we are not a medical clinic and do not perform, provide or refer for any medical procedure or medication, this includes abortion and medical testing for pregnancy care.
** We are not an adoption agency but can provide some recommendations for a licensed agency.
Partners, Friends & Family
Your Voice Matters
An unexpected pregnancy can leave partners, family and friends with a mix of emotions. You may feel scared, confused, angry, disappointed, anxious, excited and unsure what to do. While it is her choice, your voice matters too. Saying “Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.” sounds helpful, but sometimes it’s not enough. Help her look at all her options calmly and openly and connect her and yourself with good support.
Your Response Matters
So, she just told you she’s pregnant or thinks she might be. Deciding what to do for herself and her pregnancy can be stressful. Whether you are her partner, parent or friend, she needs you. She needs you to listen, put her feelings first and help her find accurate information about her options so she can make an informed choice. She does not need to be judged, demeaned, or pressured. Your response should empower her to make an informed decision that is best for her.
You Matter
While all the focus is on her, you matter too, especially if you are her partner. This pregnancy impacts you too and you need support throughout the decision making process and beyond as well. If you are a parent or friend, it can be hard to know how to help. We can help you help her, now and in the future.
Client Story
Things were looking bright for Samantha*, she was working hard to make her dreams a reality. What Samantha didn’t plan for was becoming a single mom. Suddenly, anxiety set in over all the changes and challenges in her life.
Samantha gave birth to a beautiful brown-eyed little girl, and yet she didn’t receive the support she had planned for.
Samantha felt so alone and overwhelmed. “It was a lot to take at one time,” she says.
Family and friends whom she thought she could count on began to judge her choices. She couldn’t turn to her mom for support because of their fractured relationship. The birth father didn’t keep his promises to be there or to financially support their daughter. Thankfully Samantha isn’t completely alone – her dad has shown love and support, helping as much as he could so they don’t go hungry.
Just when Samantha felt like she was drowning in her reality, a York Region public health nurse connected her with the centre.
At the centre, Samantha found support through the Practical Support Program and the Moms & Tots group. Meeting other moms in similar circumstances helped her see she is not alone. They understood her struggles and shared resources and parenting tips. Samantha believes her anxiety lowered because of the weekly social time at the centre and the support of the caring staff. She is thankful for a place where she is accepted and not judged.
The centre has helped Samantha see that she is resourceful and resilient, and she believes the time will come when she will give back to the RISE community.
“It will be a full circle! Because of the support I received at the centre, I will be able to help others.”
*Name changed to protect client privacy
Centre Hours:
Tuesday - Friday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Donation Drop Off Hours:
Tuesday - Friday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
All services by appointment only
2-6070 Hwy #7 East
Markham, Ontario L3P 3A9
(905) 472-4357 |
Business No: 888451861RR0001