About Us 

Our Mission

To show the love of Jesus through education and holistic support before, during, and after an unintended or challenging pregnancy.

Our Vision

To be known in our community as the place of help, hope and healing where individuals can transition from crisis to thriving.

Our Values

We are a life-affirming organization and believe in the  unique value of every individual. We respect a woman’s  right to make her own pregnancy decision and provide compassionate, factual, practical, and ongoing support  regardless of the pregnancy outcome for as long as needed.


This is a safe place where all individuals are shown respect, listened to, and supported regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race or religion.



All individuals are worthy of love, compassion and support.



Every individual deserves factual information and the opportunity to explore their options.



We help individuals with their emotional, spiritual and practical needs amidst their unexpected circumstance.



We help individuals reimagine their struggles as opportunities.



We help individuals understand that the past does not define them and support them on their healing journey.


Our Story

The RISE Support Centre (RISE), formerly the Markham Stouffville Crisis Pregnancy Centre opened in May of 1991, with the vision to be known in the community as a place of help, hope, and healing to all individuals experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, challenges during pregnancy and early parenting or struggling emotionally after an abortion experience.

RISE Support Centre, a registered charity, operating through a Christian framework of practice, is dedicated to supporting those facing an unintended pregnancy, difficult circumstances during pregnancy and early parenting, those struggling emotionally following a perinatal loss recently or in the past, and those interested in information about healthy relationships. RISE Support Centre offers both crisis intervention and on-going support.

Throughout our 30 year history we have become a trusted resource for the Markham-Stouffville-Richmond Hill community. We have developed good relationships with other local organizations to surround clients with exceptional support and avoid duplicating services.

We desire to treat people with kindness, compassion, grace, and truth as Jesus did. We are passionate about providing access to information and resources in order to facilitate informed decision making. We respect each person’s choice for their body and their pregnancy. We provide on-going support for all pregnancy outcomes, and work with client’s to develop an individual care plan based on their goals and needs. We feel strongly that anyone hurt from an abortion experience should have a safe place to turn for compassionate, judgement-free support.  Our desire is to be there before, during, and after an unintended or challenging pregnancy to provide a full circle of support.

MSCPC has changed its name. Click here to find out more.


Peer Support Model of Care

RISE is staffed by individuals who are trained and receive on-going training in the areas of unintended pregnancy, abortion, understanding adoption, grief and loss, parenting, and early child development. RISE volunteers and paid staff generally do not have academic degrees in counselling nor are they licensed by the province. We use a peer support model of care.

Peer support is a supportive relationship between people who have a lived experience in common. The peer support worker (Client Advocate) provides emotional and social support to others who share a common experience. [1]

 [1] www.mentalhealthcommission.ca

RISE offers both crisis intervention and on-going support.   Our services and programs are tailored to our clients’ unique needs and goals.

All services and programs are free of charge to clients.

Support is consent-based.  Clients decide if they would like to receive or decline care.

RISE does not discriminate against any client on the basis of race, colour, religion, creed, national origin, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, or lifestyle.

Our desire is to create an environment where clients feel safe, supported, and empowered to make informed decisions.

Disclaimer:  We are not a medical facility and do not provide any medical services, including, but not limited to, abortion procedures and abortifacients, referrals for abortions, prenatal/postnatal medical care, birth control, medical testing or imaging.  

We are a resource, information and social support organization.

We are not an adoption agency, but can provide a list of licensed agencies for clients to explore independently.

We provide peer support from specially trained staff and volunteers.  We are not a substitute for professional counseling.

Spiritual support is offered from a Christian perspective of compassion and love and clients do not have to participate to be able to access other supports.  It is a support avenue available as part of holistic care for clients who have expressed an interest.

We are not a substitute for medical advice or care.  We encourage you to speak honestly with your medical care provider about your pregnancy, perinatal loss, sexual and reproductive health, or other medical concerns.

Catchment Area

South East York Region

If you are outside our area we can help direct you to a pregnancy support centre in your area.

Centre Hours:
Tuesday - Friday, 10:00am - 4:00pm

Donation Drop Off Hours:
Tuesday - Friday, 10:00am - 4:00pm

All services by appointment only

2-6070 Hwy #7 East
Markham, Ontario L3P 3A9
(905) 472-4357 | info@risesupportcentre.ca

Business No: 888451861RR0001